Join us on November 5th at Roccapulco for a power-packed benefit show for victims of the hurricanes in Puerto Rico and earthquakes in Mexico. Soltrón SF, La Gente SF, and Carnaval comparsas team-up for a mini-parade and concert and DJ Changó will keep the dance floor groovin'. Carnaval San Francisco and Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts are partnering with us which shows the strong Mission District spirit. The performers, club, printers, and community volunteers are all donating their talents for the cause! All ages. #PuertoRicoSeLevanta #FuerzaMexico#EstamosDePie #Sismo #HuracánMaria #MissionMusic#SoltronSF #LaGente #Community
$18 in advance, $20 at the door, Free for children under 10 accompanied by an adult.
DONATIONS ACCEPTED: If you can't make the show, please consider making a donation to the cause.
Roccapulco, 3140 Mission, San Francisco, CA 94110